Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day of School

Wow, what a difference a year makes. Last year at this time I had just arrived in Malaysia and I wandered around the campus looking like a deer caught in clue what I was doing.

This year, though, I actually know a little more about what to do and I can even answer questions people have! The start to this school year has been so much fun, especially now that I know what I am doing.

This year, because I feel more confident in my position, I am able to notice how excited all the teachers were to get started and how happy all the kids were to be back and see their friends. There was this kind of electricity in the air. The campus looked great, the rooms were all decorated, the bell rang...and it was game time!

Alex was so excited to be in first grade...

Even the big kids were excited to get back at it....

The Elementary School Wing: My own personal fifedom

Two new teachers give each other a pep talk before the bell rings...

You could tell the parents were REALLY excited to send the kids back to school!

My friend Bethany LOVES when I take her picture.

Alex's first grade classroom.

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